BNOC Freshers’ Advice

We collected advice from Soton’s biggest campus names

We’ve collected the best advice from Southampton’s Biggest BNOCs (Big Name on Campus). Read on for their wise words on how to survive your first year, and maybe you’ll get campus-famous too.

Alex Hovden – Us. President

“If I had to give one bit of advice it would be to get involved in as much as humanly possible. From clubs and societies, to having your say in running your Union, the possibilities are genuinely endless! You will meet so many cool and different people by getting stuck in so make the most of it!”

Shaheer Khan – Runner up in the Tab’s Power List 2016

“Coming to university with an open mind has been the best thing ever! Put yourself outside your comfort zones, if you’re not a fan then, that’s fine! Be approachable, fierce and fabulous! Everything will fall into place”

Iona McPherson – Co-editor in Chief of the Soton Tab

“Never drink more than three jesticles in an hour, or you will find yourself chundering next to someone in the twobicle”

Toby Leveson – Station Manager at Surge Radio

“Take the time to do anything you want to do. You’re only going to be in this position once so go out every night, join societies and make mistakes! Just remember, even if you your flatmates don’t bring up your antics the next day, they definitely will a few months down the line – when you’re better friends!”

Samuel Dedman – Humanities Faculty Officer

“Probably the best advice I can give is that there is no time like University to either discover something new or do more of something which you really enjoy. Societies are a great way to meet loads of new, like-minded people while exploring those interests – so make the most of them!

Oh, and learn to bake cookies. In my experience, nothing breaks the ice like homemade cookies.”

Anneka Honeyball – Editor-in-Chief of The Edge

‘Get involved and take every opportunity that rouses your interest – just go for things. You might be surprised at how much you can achieve!’