Top Tips to Prevent Freshers' Flu

Only one thing is guaranteed when you come to University; freshers’ flu. Unless you are prepared to stay in your room for the duration of freshers’ week then getting ill […]

Only one thing is guaranteed when you come to University; freshers’ flu.

Unless you are prepared to stay in your room for the duration of freshers’ week then getting ill is inevitable. Even so, here are some top tips to keeping healthy.

1. Eat something other than takeaways

A takeaway is always appealing after a night out and with the wonders of Chick-o-land and Manzils in Southampton, a takeaway is just around the corner. Unfortunately eating unhealthy food will lead to freshers’ flu so, try to eat some fruit or vegetables even if that consists of some lettuce in your burger.

One of Southampton’s takeaway wonders

2. Pop a couple of pills

No, not drugs, vitamins. Make sure to keep healthy by using the numerous tubs of vitamins that your parents have generously provided you with. It might be embarrassing to admit that you are actually taking your vitamins but all your flatmates will be jealous when you are still partying and they are slowing dying in their room.

3. Remember to sleep

Going out every night will make you feel absolutely wrecked. This means it is important to sleep off the disasters of the night before, a comfy bed is not essential. Make sure you sleep in as long as possible the following day even if you miss most of your induction talks and lectures planned by the University, because it is definitely worth it if you are able to prevent getting ill, isn’t it?

Getting some sleep is essential regardless of the location

4. Don’t be a slut/man whore

Getting with everything that moves in your first week at university will contribute to you getting freshers’ flu, getting a reputation and probably a nasty rash. Either restrain yourself when you arrive or choose your prey carefully if you want to avoid an embarrassing trip to the doctor.

5. Drink something other than alcohol

With the encouragement of freshers’ reps it is unlikely that you will be given any other option than getting completely wasted every night and waking up with a permanent marker moustache. To overcome this make sure to drink lots of water the following day to flush out the toxins. The result might not be pretty but it should stop you from catching freshers’ flu.

Avoid being this person at all costs

6. Keep yourself clean

There is no need to get obsessed by hygiene but it wouldn’t hurt to make sure that you have a shower every so often. Keeping clean will prevent your chances of getting freshers’ flu and no one wants to be known as the person who stinks.

7. Exercise

Going to the gym in freshers’ week is a going to make you seem a bit keen but it is important to do some sort of exercise to counteract the amount of weight you will have gained from all the takeaways and alcohol you will have consumed. As most societies hold trials and taster sessions during freshers’ week it is easy way to get some exercise whilst also making new friends. You might even be lucky enough to make one of the University’s Sports Teams.

8. Register with your GP

Despite all of these tips you will probably still get freshers’ flu. When this happens make sure that you have registered with your GP. There is nothing worse than getting ill and not being able to see a doctor. Other than that have a great time during your first weeks at University and don’t complain too much when you get ill, no one likes a moaner.


Where you will inevitably end up… the Southampton University Health Centre