Kaka Cakes: INTERVIEW with Imogen Price

Creating your own business is pretty impressive, but managing it along side completing a degree is down right amazing. We caught up with ultimate multitasker and third year geography student […]

Creating your own business is pretty impressive, but managing it along side completing a degree is down right amazing. We caught up with ultimate multitasker and third year geography student Imogen Price to find out about her and her friend’s new company, ‘Kaka Cakes’. 

Hi Imogen. First things first, how long have you been baking?

Since I was really young I just loved cooking, I found it really easy and loved experimenting. Cakes were my favorite, as you can do so much with them. Plus, everyone loves cake!

Naturally made for you

What gave you the idea to start your own baking business?

Well, I started off selling cakes back home in Devon when I was 16 as I needed some extra cash. Everyone really liked them, so orders started coming in. I remember one of my first orders being for a woman who wanted 50 cupcakes and a castle cake for her daughter’s fifth birthday. It was mad the night before, icing everywhere, but I did it! After that though I decided to go on an icing course and learn how to ice properly.

When did the business take off?

It is in the process of taking off, as my friend Kristy and I have recently re-modeled it into a more health conscious baking brand. We are both at different unis and it’s all online so we have no ‘set base’. At the moment we are just getting the website started and our social media is really helping.

Baking is quite a niche market, how does this play to your advantage?

Mainly because everyone loves food or sweet things as it makes them happy. You can’t really go wrong with cake!

Find Kaka cakes on social media

Having said that, there are quite a few baking companies out there, how is your business different?

I would like to say it’s our recipes, but then everyone can cook something different. I think its because we advertise for everyone; we try to ensure that all dietary needs and/or preferences are catered for. We have a big health conscious aim to produce health focused, nutritional-based bakes. This is rare in the market especially as we’re pitching it to the next generation of health conscious individuals. We also use wholesome and organic ingredients to get the best quality out of the food and also to be sustainable. We do this so that students can afford to buy.

Out of all your products, what’s your favorite?

Probably my brownies, they are so simple I don’t even need scales to bake them now.

Imogen’s specialty vegan brownies

How do you fit your studies and uni commitments around the business?

I work on it as much as I can. There is a lot of time between lectures to bake, but realistically my degree comes first, so if that gets intense then I have to stop cooking. But then cooking is good as it helps reduce stress and so does eating cake.

Is there any advice you could give for others looking to set up a business?

Just give it a go and always talk to people as you never who you will meet who can help you. Also social media is great, as it is such an easy way to get people interested.

If you’d like to check out what Imogen’s been baking lately and even put in an order, check out her Facebook page.

What do you think of Kaka cakes? Let us know in the comments