Hi – I’m Marcus!   I’m running to be your Union President, and I believe I’m the right person to lead your Union forward for and on behalf of every […]

Hi – I’m Marcus!


I’m running to be your Union President, and I believe I’m the right person to lead your Union forward for and on behalf of every student at Southampton. I’ve got the experience, I’ve got the vision of where SUSU should go, and I’ve got the real student focus that means our Union can move forward with students at the heart everything it does.


I’ve got a long Manifesto, all of which is achievable within the one year.


Key points are –


Making our Union a Union which helps students drive change, rather than just doing it for them.


Making our Union a place which values students – by giving them loyalty cards in every SUSU outlet, Master Passes delivering more of what Freshers want for less, or putting students’ ideas at the heart of the new Union building.


Getting SUSU ready to achieve brilliant things now and for the future – with greater transparency for Union Council and Trustee Board, a new Union strategic plan, or better recognition of its volunteers and societies.


I’ve written a lot elsewhere, so if you want to know more check out the campaign trail on Facebook or give the manifesto a read!


Thanks for reading,


Make It Marcus!


Marcus’s manifesto can be found here.


We also shot some quick questions at Marcus:


1. Describe SUSU in three words.

Fantastic, could improve!


 2. If you could compare yourself to a current Sabb, who would it be and why?

Not sure. Probably Claire, because she’s great at getting on with the job, she’s so personable, and she really cares! Not that there isn’t a lot to admire in the other Sabbs…


3. What was your New Year’s resolution for 2014?

Same as every year – to keep at it and make a success of the year ahead.


4. Where’s your favourite place to go for a night out in Southampton?

I’d probably say The Edge nowadays – there was a time I could go to Jesters every night for weeks (the last three weeks of first year are a blur), but now… Nope. The Edge. It’s a much nicer club!


5. If you could do any degree apart your current/previous one, what would it be?

As much as I love my degree, given the chance I’d love to do something completely different – I did A-levels in Maths and Further Maths, and used to really love the certainty of it compared to English. So probably Maths!


6. NUS: Yes or No?

No. I lead the NoToNUS team back in 2012; I couldn’t be more proud of the 3,595 No votes we got.


To view what the other candidates have to say, click here.