Tab poll results: Someone read Nick Clegg his last rites
Over half of our readers voting in Sheffield Hallam are set to back Labour
It’s great news for Ed – Sheffield students in Hallam, Central, and their home constituencies are backing Labour more than any other party.
Labour candidate Oliver Coppard has left Nick Clegg for dead, with 54% of you voting Labour tomorrow, compared to a pitiful 18% choosing Lib Dem.
Clegg has still trumped the Tories and the Greens, coming in second overall.
In Central, 39% of you will be voting Labour, with Green candidate Jillian Creasy taking up a respectable second at 24%.
Only 14% of you in Central and 13% in Hallam are voting Tory, compared to 34% of you who are staying safely within the parental nest and voting in your home constituencies instead.
1 in 25 of you in Hallam and 1 in 20 in Central still don’t know how you’re voting, and with polling stations opening at 7am tomorrow, there’s not left long to decide.