These are the top ten types of BeReal students in Nottingham

BeReal or BeFake? x

BeReal is the perfect opportunity to show people what you’re up to every day. Whether you’re alone in bed or at the club whilst that infamous notification hits your phone, it’s sure to show all your friends what you’re really up to.

If you’ve waited until you’re actually doing something interesting then you will be exposed to all your friends as fake. But who really posts when the notification goes off anyway?From the sloth, to the socialite there are many different types of people that use this app, here are the top ten different types of BeReal posters, which one are you?

The sloth

If a BeReal was ever going to make you yawn, it’d be the sloth’s. The Sloth is your sleepiest poster, and your cosiest. They are always in bed, looking really snug and cosy and usually late because they’ve slept through the BeReal notification.

Their posts make you wish you’d skipped your 10am lecture to sleep in, especially when they’re supposed to be in that lecture with you.

nap time x

The socialite

The Socialite is here to remind you that you have no friends and no life. They are always clubbing or rubbing in every BeReal that they post letting you know that they came to uni, not university. They live for fun and are one of the most extroverted people you’ve ever met. Yet one could argue, they’re not all that real as they only post in the evening when they’re busy.

mad one last night x

The re-taker

The re-taker got BeReal and treats it like Instagram. They cannot bear to let people see them with an accidental double chin or bed head in the morning. You will not find a single hair out of place in their posts, because they’ve retaken it so many times that they’re sure this one is perfect.

The gym rat

The Gym Rat is the BeReal  poster we all hate to see but secretly wish we were. This poster makes you feel a little lazy as they are always in the gym posing in the mirror. They are never on time as they need to show people how fit and active they really are.

Even at the weekend they can be seen doing extra But occasionally they inspire you to actually get out of bed for the day.

The early bird

The early bird is the opposite of the socialite, they came to university, not uni. They are always ready and dressed before 10am reminding anyone that there is actually work to do at whilst at uni. They always look smug when the notification goes off early in the morning knowing everyone else will still be in bed half asleep whilst they have already finished off a couple hours of work.

The chef

The Chef’s posts make you suddenly starving. They either are always sitting infant of a mouth watering meal or at the hob with four or five pots on the go. Their mouth-watering meals inspire you to switch your tomato pasta for something that involves more than 12 minutes of cooking.

Don’t forget the bakers who like the chefs are always making you crave something new.

professional baker

The employee

Always looking tired, and at work, this poster reminds you that some people are capable of working and going to uni, and they won’t let you forget it. They’re always late because of a manic shift which they won’t let you forget about in the caption.

The lover

The lover is your most scandalous poster, getting you to zoom in trying to figure out whose shoulder tattoo that is and whether they’re on your course or they just met in the club. They get all the best confused reactions from their friends who have no clue who it could be.

Either way, it doesn’t matter because next weekend there’ll be a whole new shoulder to analyse.


The film critic 

The film critic tempts you to ignore your coursework and stick a movie on, usually with whichever film they’re watching today. Usually seen with the sloth, they loves getting comfy and watching a film. At least they’re always on time because they have nothing better to do.

Double points if their caption is the actor’s name on screen.

The photographer 

The Photographer is frankly one of the most pleasant posters you can get, posting a nice landscape image that isn’t offensive to anyone to freshen up your feed. Usually found outdoors, they attempt to take photos that are actually nice instead of the usual TV screen.

They may be a little arty and pretentious, they’re pretty harmless and nice to look at.

what an aesthetic

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