Oceana Nottingham is the sixth worst club in the UK
It’s even worse than Forum
You voted in your hundreds and Oceana has ranked as the sixth worst club in our national poll.
No one’s surprised at this, Oceana rarely wins anything but it’s an obvious winner in this category. Some clubs are fun because they’re so shit but Oceana just doesn’t seem to have that charm. Whether you voted because its an actual maze, the music is terrible or because it always smells a bit like wee, the result has confirmed just why the place is closing down.
The king of freshers fun, Oceana is a club that you think is great when you first start uni because its 4 times bigger than any club in your small home town, and who doesn’t love a light up dancefloor? But slowly, after one too many uni bar crawls end up there on a Monday, you realise it’s actually where all fun goes to die. You can never really have a good night in Oceana Nottingham, you just have some which aren’t bad.
Kingston, Watford, Cardiff and Birmingham all have their own Oceana and people actually like those so you’d expect the same experience in Nottingham but instead of your mates, endless cheap jagers and always a decent time, it’s sadness, terrible people and probably an Adele remix.
Not to be out done, Forum placed 7th, just behind Oceana, giving Nottingham two titles in the Worst Clubs in the UK.