Leicester has beaten Bristol, UCL, King’s and more in ‘Best Uni’ rankings

Although we were put to shame by the likes of Teesside, Heriot-Watt and Aberystwyth

The Telegraph has released a league table of the top 100 universities in the UK, as rated by students based on overall experience. Unfortunately – although we beat the likes of Bristol and UCL – Leicester failed to rank highly, sandwiched between Oxford Brookes and Royal Holloway at 73rd.

Ranking 125 universities, the results are based on accommodation, city life, clubs and societies, courses and lecturers, job prospects, student union, facilities, support services and an overall rating.

Pinned with such a disappointing rank, Leicester sits in a solitary position far from her neighbour, Loughborough, who placed an impressive, yet arguable, second.

Not all is lost though. The cost of a pint is as low as £2 and 93% of our grads land a job after graduating.

We could be in a worse position – DMU have been left out once again.