10 Reasons why working at home is better than working in the Library

Are you finding it difficult to work with your friends around? Working at home can be more productive. Here are 10 reasons why.


This year’s exam season is almost upon us and that can mean only one thing…you’re going to be stuck between working at home or working in the library. Possibly the biggest question you’ll face outside the exam hall.

If you need convincing that home could be place for you to bust out that epic revision sesh then maybe this is for you…

1. You can grab a cuppa whenever you like. For free.

While the library does do a pretty sweet mocha, there’s nothing like putting the kettle on at home and comfort eating your heart out.

nom nom nom

2. No one gives a shit what you look like.

There’s no one around to judge you for wearing no make-up, to witness those stress-fuelled spots or the hair sprouting in unsightly places. You don’t even have to get dressed!

3. You don’t run the risk of bumping into anyone.

What’s worse, bumping into the smart ass who is already asking you questions about references and you haven’t even started yet… Or the ex?

4. You don’t have to carry anything.

One of the most unappealing parts about going to the library is having to lug that big-arse laptop all the way to the library with you, as well as a mountain of books. And there’s nothing like getting all the way to uni then realising you left your damn charger at home!

I mean who really wants to double bag?

5. Your weird revision habits can go unnoticed.

Are you the nail biter, the chain smoker, the person who finds themselves speaking aloud? Feel free to be as socially unacceptable as you please.

6. Unlimited space.

You can sprawl your notes all across your bed without having to consider leaving room for anyone else. And there’s no need to hunt for a seat!

7. You can still control your procrastination.

While students may argue that it’s far easier to procrastinate at home, which may be true, there are apps like ‘strict workflow’ for Google Chrome which monitor which websites you can access, alternating between work and break periods in accordance to your work patterns. BEST.THING.EVER!

8. You can be as nocturnal as you wish.

Because some of us just work better by night. And no one enjoys the walk from uni to home in the early hours of the morning.


How are they all doing work?

9. You can be as loud as you like.

We’re talking music without headphones, notes read aloud and tapping away at your laptop as ferociously as you like without the dread of the quiet patrol.

10. There’s no place like home.

Ok, so your student house isn’t quite ‘home’, but you do share it with some very lovely housemates, and a communal pity party is way better than one alone.