How to stop procrastinating

The Tab’s guide to help you stop procrastinating


Procrastination, the arch enemy of revision. The story is familiar, you sit down at your desk, notepad out, determined to work hard but hours later an empty page sits before you. You’re not alone. We all like a bit of procrastination, or a lot, so here’s a few pearls of wisdom to return your productiveness…


There’s a distant hue of blue in the back of your mind and it’s calling you… ‘log in, log in’. It’s like a drug; the urgent need to have a cheeky little update doesn’t let go until the urge has been satisfied. You log in on your laptop, breathe a sigh of relief that Facebook still exists, and log off. Then sign in on your phone. Because, you know, so much happens in the space of five seconds. There’s a simple solution to this: STOP LOGGING ON! Delete your app, turn your internet off, get a (trustworthy and unlikely-to-frape-you) friend to change the password… do what you’ve gotta do.

Warning: Snapchat also highly addictive

Facebook pages

Ok, so other people seem to have the same idea and Facebook is getting less and less eventful. The urge to keep constantly up to date momentarily subsides. Then you find ‘Spotted’. Then you find ‘Things Leicester Students Don’t Say’. And you’re hooked. Well, a gentle reminder… ‘Spotted’ is based in the library and ‘Things Leicester Students Don’t Say’ is filled with people crying over lack of space in the library. Basically, everyone’s in the library revising but you. Time to log off.

Comfort eating

You feel like your head’s about to explode, time is running out and panic is setting in quickly. Who would reach for an apple, really? What we all want in these dire times of need is the good stuff. Chocolate, crisps, our old pals Ben & Jerry… anything that’ll increase your chances of morbid obesity by just that little bit. Put it down, chocolate’s not gonna do your revision for you.

This wasn’t even staged…

‘Revision clubs’

Note the quotation marks. So you’re sat at your desk thinking, wow, I have the attention span of a 5 year old. A metaphorical light bulb turns on and you decide to revise with friends. And then somehow, an intellectual discussion on Aristotle’s theories turns into… ‘Oh my god, did you hear what happened last night?’ Come on, now. Rest assured, the events of  last night will most definitely be relayed to you at a later time. So for now: less gossip girl, more Carlton from the Fresh Prince.

And so fellow students, we hope we’ve been of some help to you.

See you on the other side.