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How to tell if you’re a BNOC at Lancs

I thought BNOCs were idiots

BNOC Campus

What is a BNOC? Well if you’re unlucky enough to have come across this term, a BNOC is a ‘Big Name on Campus’. However, if like the majority of students, you don’t know about it, don’t sweat it.

The Lancaster BNOC, those who whenever they are walking up the spine will undoubtedly bump into at least 15 people who know their name and want to have a chat – meaning leaving for lectures is a military operation to ensure they fulfil their social duties.

So we have taken it upon ourselves to give you the down low on how to tell if you're a BNOC at Lancaster Uni. For those blessed with the title and those who will arguably go down in BNOC history, what we all want to know is, how to tell you're a BIG NAME ON CAMPUS’?

You never chose to be a BNOC, the BNOC life chose you

When reaching out to the elite of campus one thing was made very clear, they didn’t know they were a BNOC! They are known for being sociable and friendly, making everyone feel comfortable, and making a 'conscious effort to include everyone' networking for them is key to their success!

We consulted one Lancs BNOC, who would prefer to stay anonymous, for an inside look on what it means to be a Big Name On Campus.

We assumed that the usual BNOC was self-proclaimed- putting themselves forward for the title instead of being nominated by others, but quite the contrary:

"I guess I'm friends with a lot of people but I was quite surprised when someone first referred to me as one because I only really thought BNOCs were idiots.

I wanted to have a lot of mates but not to be a BNOC, my girlfriend told me before uni it stood for 'Biggest nobheads on campus' so that's the energy I started with."

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You stay loyal to Sugar, and Sultans

The two questions we are dying to know; for BNOCs is it, Sugar or Daltons? or harder still, Sultans or Go Burrito?

"Sugar all the way, I enjoy a Daltons night every so often but my heart lives in Sugar.

For a post night out/ deep night library fuel it has to be Sultans but I would honestly pay nine grand just for Go Burrito fries with cheese sauce."

Image may contain: Electronics, Person, Human

The Spine and a bad hair day is not a fun combo

Now we all understand the struggle of the spine during that ten minute break between lectures, how does a BNOC cope? The Lancaster Tab sat down with one of Lancs biggest BNOCs to find out how problematic it was really trying to get down the spine for a nine am.

"Problem is a dramatic word but if I'm in a rush for lectures and I have to walk down the spine it'll take me like half an hour to say hi and hug people

…also if I look like shit one day and bump into 1000 people?"

Image may contain: Disco, Night Club, Club, Person, Human, Party

You have A LOT of pals

When approached with the question of what it was like to be a BNOC they were completely taken back and found this redefined title touching and appreciated being the person that people can go to and trust.

"Honestly I just love bumping into and talking to people, it's nice just seeing people you know a lot."

Image may contain: Selfie, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Head, Indoors, Interior Design, Smile, Party, Face, Person, Human

So there you have it, four ways to tell if you might just be a BNOC at Lancs. The BNOC life chooses you after all.