Image may contain: Woman, Girl, T-Shirt, Clothing, Apparel, Hair, Smile, Female, Human, Person, Face

Meet the KCL Netball Ladies who are ready to destroy UCL

No prisoners


The KCL Netball girls are ready to take on UCL in this year's Varsity series, with a team strong enough to give Popeye nightmares for a year.

Tuesday 12th March, 8:30pm, Somers Town Community Sports Centre, tickets available here.

Scroll down to meet the team.

Hannah Mathea – Goal Attack (Captain)

Image may contain: Grass, Plant, Teen, Woman, Blonde, Child, Kid, Girl, Female, Clothing, Apparel, Person, Human

What to watch out for on the court: Making the GD cry

Where you'll find her after the game: Under witness protection for murder on the court

Instagram Handle:

Poppy Fawcett – Goalkeeper

Image may contain: Evening Dress, Gown, Fashion, Robe, Lawn, Clothing, Apparel, Female, Woman, Kid, Blonde, Teen, Girl, Child, Human, Person, Grass, Plant

Where you'll find her after the game: D R U N K

What to watch out for on the court: Denying access

Instagram Handle: @poppyfawcett

Jess Van Droogenbroeck – Goal Defence

Image may contain: T-Shirt, Female, Grass, Plant, Hair, Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person

What to watch out for on the court: Denying access 2.0

Where you'll find her after the game: Dancing over a patch of her own sick at the Dover Castle

Instagram Handle: @jessicavandroogenbroeck

Saloni Dayal – Goal Defence

Image may contain: Grass, Plant, Human, Person, Apparel, Clothing

What to watch out for on the court: Smacking that ball into the crowd

Where you'll find her after the game: Five tequilas down & incomprehensible

Instagram Handle: @salonidayal

Keziah Husselbee – Wing Defence

Image may contain: Plant, Grass, Fashion, Evening Dress, Gown, Robe, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person

What to watch out for on the court: Going for the player, not the ball

Where you'll find her after varsity: Being personally driven home by the no. 59 bus driver

Instagram Handle: @kezhzlb

Sasha Gill – Wing Defence

Image may contain: Female, Plant, Grass, Human, Person, Apparel, Clothing

What to watch out for on the court: Having a bev

Where you'll find her after the game: Putting Rum to bed

Instagram Handle: @sashagill11

Caroline Brooke – Centre / Wing Defence

Image may contain: Girl, Female, Plant, Grass, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person

What to watch out for on the court: Nifty ball handling

Where you'll find her after the game: Borough tube station at 9am the next day, still in her netball dress

Instagram Handle: @carolinegbrooke

Leah Durham-Moran – Centre

Image may contain: Plant, Grass, Girl, Woman, Apparel, Clothing, Female, Human, Person

What to watch out for on the court: Taking none of the refs chat

Where you'll find her after the game: Walking down the aisle

Instagram Handle: @leahemoran

Carla Aldington – Wing Attack

Image may contain: Female, T-Shirt, Apparel, Clothing, Plant, Grass, Human, Person

What to watch out for on the court: Just focus on keeping up with her

Where you'll find her after the game: Chirpsing UCL Rugby

Instagram Handle: @carlaaldington

Rumeeq Dhaliwal – Goal Shooter

Image may contain: T-Shirt, Plant, Grass, Person, Human, Apparel, Clothing

What to watch out for on the court: 99% shooting success rate

Where you'll find her after the game: Sharking the freshers

Instagram Handle: @rumneeqdhaliwal

Clare Humphreys – Goal Shooter

Image may contain: Woman, Kid, Child, Teen, Girl, Blonde, Female, Human, Person, Plant, Grass, Apparel, Clothing, T-Shirt

What to watch out for on the court: Dodging around that D

Where you'll find her after the game: Drunkenly ranting about how GREAT the NORTH is

Instagram Handle: @clarencehum