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Strikes to continue after Glasgow UCU unanimously rejects proposal

The deal has been described as a ‘joke.’

The result is just in and members of the Glasgow branch of the University and College Union have unanimously rejected the new pension proposal intended to end strike action.

Campaigner Becca Harrison live tweeted from a UCU Glasgow emergency meeting, during which a deal was proposed which would cut pensions by a staggering 47 per cent. Harrison called for this to be rejected "for the good of all sectors and all pensions".

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The proposed deal comes after almost three weeks of industrial strike action, which has caused extreme disruption to lectures, assignment deadlines and potentially upcoming exams. Although there is a general feeling of support for the strikers around campus, this disruption is seriously affecting students and a pressure for a deal to be successfully negotiated is mounting.

The proposed agreement, drawn up between national representatives of the UCU and Universities UK, was sent to members yesterday evening and is to be considered by UCU higher education and branch representatives today. The proposed agreement would involve a three year transitional period for pension changes to take effect, and sets a salary threshold at £42,000. UCU members were encouraged to "prioritise students and the rescheduling of teaching," which many feel sets a damaging message for future strike action.

The hashtag NoCapitulation is trending nationally on social media, used by academics and union branches who feel the deal is inadequate to end strike action. It is clear campaigners have been left frustrated and disappointed by this attempt to resolve the conflict. Numerous other branches around the UK have also moved to reject the proposed agreement, including Sheffield and Edinburgh.

These recent developments mean that strike action looks set to continue for the foreseeable future.