Glasgow home to most drunken injuries in country

And guess who the main culprits are

Glasgow has been crowned as Scotland’s proverbial drunken Bambi with new figures showing it has highest rate of pissed pedestrians hurting themselves.

And it claimed the third spot nationwide for binguries (mystery bruises just got a name) only just falling behind Greater London and Kent, of all places.

The crippling researched showed people under the age of 24 are most at risk of a inebriated injury. Shocker.

126 punters have hurt themselves after drinking in the past year in our fair city. A surprisingly low result to anyone who’s witnessed students staggering out of Viper with the thought of cheesy chips propelling them heedlessly into traffic.

21 per cent of people interviewed said they had walked home after eight drinks or more. This trend is known to students nationwide as pre.

Now road safety campaigners are getting in on the action and urging people to give more thought to their walk home.

Liz Brooker of Road Safety UK, said: “The biggest issue with drunk walking is that they would be over what we would call the drink drive limit.

“It would impair them enough to see very clearly, they wouldn’t have a good sense of judgement.”