Brookes rated one of the nicest universities in the UK (by ourselves)

But we don’t think we’re fit

This week Student Money Saver’s alternative university league table revealed we all think we’re all ugly and miserable, but at least we’re nice people.

The survey, which rated over 1,000 students from across the UK on their beauty, ability to buy drugs, and party animal tendencies.

All of the data was ranked on a scale of one to five, one being the worst and five the best.

Surprisingly, Brookes ranked below the average of 3.53 when students were asked if they were happy or not, at 2.71 and even more shockingly, weren’t on the beautiful people list.

seem pretty happy to me

Brookes scored 3.14 when asked if they were poor, something we have finally beaten Oxford at, who scored 2.28.

It also seems that we’re very modest, as we were below average for believing we’re more intelligent and funnier than others – either that or we’re neither intelligent nor funny.

who needs intelligence when you’re nice?

We’re pretty tame actually – not one Brookes student said they were a party animal, only 29 per cent set they had or planned to set off fire alarms in halls and the same minority said they could get their hands on drugs within  the same day if they wanted to.

But on the bright side, we were above the average of 3.7 in the nicest all round category with 4.0, so at least we’ve got something going for us.

James Felton from Student Money Saver, said: “Conventional university league tables give a great indication of the academic side of universities, but what they don’t tell you is what your life is going to be like, and who you’ll be spending your years of university with.

“There isn’t really this kind of data anywhere, so we decided to collect it, to give students a brief (and unconventional) look at the types of people they should expect to meet at the UK’s top universities, and to seek out where the nicest, happiest and most disgusting people in the UK choose to go to university.”