U.S. Election: your predictions

We asked you who you’re backing

Clinton Donald Trump Hillary Clinton selly oak the tab the tab bham the tab birmingham the tab brum the vale trump U.S. election university of birmingham UoB

In a year of uproar, from the decision to leave the EU, to Boris Johnson running for Prime Minister and then backing out, there’s been a ton of drama in the world of politics. With the big day tomorrow, why not add more to the mix? We asked around campus to see whether you’re #TeamHillary or #TeamTrump.

Will, English & Creative Writing

#TeamHillary: “I want Clinton to win, for sanity”.

Beth, English & Creative Writing

#TeamHillary: “Hopefully it’s Hillary but I feel like it scarily might be close”.

Karen & Olivia, Theology & Religion


#TeamHillary: “We want Clinton to be president but Trump will probably win, just to top off this shit year”.

Phoebe, English & Creative Writing

#TeamBernie: “Am I allowed to say Bernie Sanders even though there’s no possibility of that happening at all?”

Moya, Classical Civilisation & Philosophy


Anastasia & Beth, English & Creative Writing

#TeamHillary “Definitely Hillary to win!”

Izzy, Law

#TeamHillary “I haven’t really been following the election, but definitely Hillary to win!”

Hannah, English & Creative Writing

#TeamHillary “I want Hillary to win, but I have no idea who will actually!”

Ellie, Geography

#TeamHillary “Donald Trump’s hair is too funny”

Overwhelmingly, it seems that Brum students are backing Hillary – what do you think?