Roller Disco coming to Aberystwyth
It’s a one off from Tipsy Dragon and Black House One
For those who don’t know, Black House is one of the biggest and most popular events in Aberystwyth. But this year they’ve upped the ante, organising a Roller Disco.
As part of Black House One, BlackHouse has teamed up with the new Tipsy Dragon party society to add a Roller Disco to the event. As far as we at Tab Aberystwyth know, it’ll be the first time there’s a Roller Disco in Aberystwyth. The roller disco is one of the attractions at the Black House pre-party, hosted by Tipsy Dragon.
Pasi Chi from Tipsy Dragon says: “We are all about bringing new experiences and as far as we know, a roller disco had never been done in Aberystwyth. Its important to note, this is us just getting started, expect bigger & better in the coming months”.
This news has gone down well with most students. Ben, second year, says: “It’s exactly the sort of thing Aber needs more of. Aber is only a small town, and can’t support things like an ice rink or roller disco, but a one off event brings something unique to the town. I’m well excited for it.”
However not everyone is convinced. Matt, third year, says: “I think this is a really bad idea for Black House, it doesn’t fit in with what Black House is about, lots of booze and a great time. Roller blading will be a disaster for the event and also a disaster for everyone in the ambulance service”.
Check out the Black House One and Tipsy Dragon pre-party event pages for more info.