Your A-levels are worthless as a dozen aren’t academic enough

What’s the point

All your hard work was for nothing, as it’s revealed a dozen A-levels have been deemed worthless.

‘Economics and Culture’, ‘Applied Science’ and ‘Human Biology’ are some of the 12 classified as A Levels not meeting “an appropriate level of academic demand.”

Although they haven’t quite ruled out the “future development of any subject”, Education body Ofqual have essentially written off the efforts of thousands of UK students.

Ofqual, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that some two year qualifications aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

Worth its weight in Goldschlager?

Are you one of the unlucky few that wasted 24 months pursuing a course you love? Any vaguely obscure A level or GCSE has just been cut from the curriculum. If you studied anything ‘applied’ or connected to ‘culture’ or ‘communications’, your efforts were good for fucking nothing.

Apparently if you’re not parroting from decades old textbooks, and your parents can’t name a topic on your course, most of your CV is pointless.

With only 13% of graduates being unemployed, and that’s in all degrees, from Baking Technology Management at Southbank, to Brewing and Distillery at Heriot-Watt, that seems slightly closed-minded.

Who gives a shit if you can’t name the different layers of the earth’s tectonic formation, or the reasons behind the fall of Napoleon? If you can cope with social media, engage a client, or design the shit out of a webpage, you’re probably already ahead of all the middle-aged bastards who make up most of all consulting education specialists.