Ocean goers pay off third years £75 fine for leaving a bottle on the floor

You really are a generous bunch


Friendly Ocean revellers donated their cash after a third year was charged a hefty fine for putting a plastic bottle on the floor.

Alix Deaves was walking to Bluebells, on the famous Ocean bar crawl, with a plastic bottle filled with vodka and squash last Wednesday evening.

But she spotted the officer heading her way and ditched the bottle but she was left with a heavy £75 fine.

She said: “I saw the police and literally just panicked and put the bottle I had on the floor.

“I didn’t want them to stop us it was cold. They had already stopped one of my mates on the way to pre drinks.”

The third year psychology and criminology student even offered to run back and pick the bottle up, but the picky PCSO just said that if he let everyone off the streets would be filled with litter.

After crying for an hour, Alix carried on with her night out.

She added: “I was outside for a good hour really because I was crying. I was going to go home but hadn’t been out in ages because of stupid third year.”

Alix’s house mate, Gabriella Kent, immediately started telling other Ocean goers about the fine and the kind people of Trent started donating their lose change.

Gabriella said: “Obviously Alix knows she was in the wrong, but what annoyed us the most was that they showed no sympathy whatsoever – she offered to pick up the bottle afterwards, but they told her it didn’t matter.

“A lot of students can’t afford a fine that steep, which is why we were explaining the situation to a lot of people on the bar crawl.

“It could of happened to any of us that night.”

The girls managed to raise around £15 in change and Alix’s housemates have all donated £5 each, meaning that a third of the fine is covered.