Basketball blunder for Stirling’s team

Stirling basketball president and captain step down

basketball team captaincy presidency Stirling Uni

It’s the start of the term and it’s already enough for a few of the main figures in Stirling’s basketball team, losing both the President of the team and one of the captains.

Not the best start guys.

James Williamson quit his captaincy as it had been too much to juggle coupled with being captain of another club.

But his team mate Elliot Whittle says timing couldn’t have been better.

With only a day before their game with Strathclyde, the team was left in disarray and Sean Martin who had been in a joint captaincy had asked fellow players to help him get everything organised for the following day.

The Basketball team: Better times.

It wasn’t just James who quit the team during that week.

The President of the men’s team also left with only a vague Facebook post signalling his departure: “I am stepping down as a President. EGM will be held as soon as possible so new President can be elected. Simas”

Simas posted the news on the team’s Facebook page

Unfortunately for the society all the instability may have contributed to the 2nds team losing their game to Strathclyde- even with the the team’s best efforts to keep things business as usual.

All we can hope is that that the new President and captains assigned can handle the responsibilities and pressure of the new term. As Scotland’s institute of sport we want as many victories as we can get.