E.R.O.L. evacuation

On Friday night, the Union was evacuated at around 11pm. No alarm was sounded but the bar was closed and over a thousand students were asked to exit the building. […]


On Friday night, the Union was evacuated at around 11pm. No alarm was sounded but the bar was closed and over a thousand students were asked to exit the building. Rollo Strickland, Director of Events and Services confirmed to The Stand that the cause was the Union’s powerful smoke machines, which had gushed smoke out of Venue 1 and into the bar.


A man was, however, seen being searched by police officers soon afterwards. Thanks to the influx of students from outside St Andrews, there has been speculation that drug possession was the reason for his potential arrest. It is unclear as to whether these events were connected (hot-boxing the Union?).

The police have refused to comment.

Friday night saw E.R.O.L. Alkan performing and it seems that the partying may have got a little out of hand. He updated his Facebook fanpage at 2:25 am saying, “Thank u st Andrews. You are mental. Thank you for not rioting when I thought you were going to tear the place apart!”

For a review of the evening, click here.


Photo: © Falk Morawitz