Dear Dan… Episode 2

He’s back…. Dan gives advice on weight, meeting the parents and Indian women.


No one man has the answer to all the world’s problems. But we know someone who gets pretty close.

Dan Bean, owner of Broomhill Friery and a corresponding shiny 4 star health certificate, is back to answer personal questions from you, the readers.

Here to help

Dear Dan,

I broke up with my girlfriend a while ago and I’m ready to get back in the game, where can I meet new girls? Steve.

Hey up Steve. If you had a break up I’d recommend getting your brain into work mode, concentrate on your degree and join a team or society. I don’t think a rebound is a solution to breaking up with someone.

Dear Dan,

I can only get intimate with my girlfriend when it’s dark. Is this normal? Michael.

Hi Michael. Yes this is normal, I prefer sex in a room that’s a bit darker so you can meditate while pumping away.

Dear Dan,

I’m worried about meeting my boyfriend’s parents for the first time. Do you have any advice? Jess.

Hey jess, why are you worried? Just be yourself and be friendly and chatty. Before you meet them have a few double espressos for a caffeine hit so you’re more chatty, and buy them some flowers or chocolate.

Dear Dan,

I’ve been ‘seeing’ this girl for about a month now, but we still haven’t kissed. I really like her, but I’m worried she doesn’t like me back. What should I do? Chris.

Dear chris, can’t believe you haven’t kissed her after all that time! Secret is to build your way up so don’t just go straight for the kiss. Hold hands, be playful, maybe have a sexual dance with her so she gets used to your touch. There’s lots of tips for guys online, I recommend ‘Mystery’ who’s one of the world’s best pickup artists. He can give good advice through studying his videos.

Getting girls is elementary.

Dear Dan,

What’s the best way for me to tell my boyfriend that I’m worried about his weight? Justine.

Dear justine, this is something which is a joint venture so you have to work as a team in the relationship and encourage each other to eat healthy food by having cooking nights. Maybe encourage him to join you on beautiful countryside walks round the 5 parks we have round the broomhill and Crookes area, and the weather is coming good now to get outdoors!

Dear Dan,

I’ve really liked this girl on my course for a while and she just happens to be Indian. You once told me that you are half Indian yourself so I was wondering if you have any tips in regards to the Indian ladies. Ross.

Yeah, my dad’s Indian and my mum’s English. My mum is Sean Bean’s sister but decided to take my English name Bean, my dad was a bit mad but I’ve carried on the Bean legacy. So my advice is just be yourself with her. If someone likes you they like you for your true personality.

Got any questions for the next episode of ‘Dear Dan’? Email [email protected]!

Dan Bean is not a qualified relationship councillor.