BNOC of the Year: Group 4


You people just can’t get enough. You know the drill by now, vote below for your favourite BNOC to send them to the Grand Final.

Natalie McAleer

Irish girl Natalie is honoured to have been nominated, “You should vote for me because I have the same accent as Liam Neeson and if I win I’ll give everyone who voted for me a potato.”

Tristan Hearle

“Why I should win: because I love banter. What I’d do if I win: I’d get sweaty and ketty.”

Alex Sherred

“I should win because I’m ugly and I need some help.”

Amber Lickerish

“Amber Lickerish of the House Reid, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Runnymede Chicken (and ribs), Queen of Egham Essentials, the Englefield Green and the Monkeys Forehead, Khaleesi of the Great Virginia Water, Drinker of VKs, Cat Whisperer and Mother of Dragons thinks you should vote for her because winter is coming and we all need to help each other prepare to defeat what is north of Founders south quad.”

Paul Geerligs

“I’d be honoured to be your BNOC of the Year. A vote for me is a vote for liberty, justice, and fun for all.”

Nishall Garala

“I should win because I am ‘The Nish’, and I will enhance the ‘Nishness’ of the campus!”