Gingerbread man lost in Lenton finds a forever home

And no, it’s not a gingerbread house

When Hannah Smith stumbled upon a rogue stuffed gingerbread man in Lenton she had no idea he would become such an integral part of her uni family.

Hannah, a UoN Theology student, found the “defenceless teddy” shivering and cold, abandoned by the bins on Rothesay Avenue. After posting on the Buy and Sell page and finding out he was homeless, she did what any good citizen would do and decided to give him a new home. 

After taking him in and naming him Ginge, Hannah decided to give her new friend a well-deserved clean.

First, she tried putting him in the washing machine…

However, when he would not fit, Hannah treated him to a relaxing bubble bath…

Next, she tried to dry him in the (cramped) tumble dryer – something Ginge did not seem to enjoy.

But luckily she realised just in time that doing so could potentially cause a fire – resulting in a very burnt gingerbread man and one extremely unhappy landlord. So instead, Ginge went for a spot of sunbathing in the back garden.

During this time Ginge’s previous owner, Beth Gilligan, came forward and admitted the teddy (who Beth coincidentally had also named Ginge) was left behind due to there not being enough room in her car for him when driving back to her family home.

Beth had acquired Ginge after she won him at the 2018 Goose Fair and he had lived with her in halls and then moved with her to her first student house.

Ginge’s previous home Beth’s halls.

Beth is glad Ginge found a new, loving home with Hannah, where he will remain in Lenton for the next year as a VIP member of many pres to come.

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