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Everything you need to know about the #youthstrike4climate Global Strike in Manchester tomorrow

Protect your future

Tomorrow, young people and students from over 1659 places in 105 countries worldwide will be striking again as part of the #FridaysForFuture movement to protest the lack of government action to combat the climate crisis.

The event in Manchester will take place from 11:55am at St. Peter's Square, however for those who wish, there will be a march leading to the event leaving from the Student Union at 11am.

The movement began in Sweden in 2018 when 15-year-old student Greta Thunberg sat outside the Swedish Parliament for three weeks to protest against the lack of action on climate change.

The movement is particularly aimed at young people due to the failure of older generations to successfully manage climate change, and for the previous exclusion of young people in the fight against the global climate crisis.

The UK Student Climate Network, one of the event associates, outlines four demands for the government relating to climate change. It demands that the government prioritises the protection of the Earth and communicates the severity of the climate crisis, that schools teach about the growing ecological crisis and that they recognise that young people will be the ones facing the future of climate change.

They state that "their objectives have never been more relevant."

The 2018 UN Climate Report gives us 12 years to cut emissions by 50 per cent in order to avoid a catastrophe. Despite government pledges, statistics show carbon emissions continue to rise.

The UK Youth Climate Coalition, another event associate, emphasise that the "world's most vulnerable" will be most affected by climate change.

Find the event for #youthstrike4climatechange here.