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Kate Middleton just came to UCL, and you missed it

No word on whether she’ll be at LOOP later


Kate Middleton came to visit UCL's Psychology Divison at Bedford Way this afternoon.

From as early as 12:30 today, policemen were seen at the entrance of 26 Bedford Way.

According to the Daily Mirror, the Duchess of Cambridge came to learn about research on how the environment affects children's development.

Today, she visited Professor Eamon McCrory, who is the Co-Director of the Developmental Risk and Resilience Unit in the Psychology & Language Scienes Divison at UCL. The Duchess was shown the Division's MRI facilities as well as UCL's research into how experiences in childhood affect the development of brain functions.

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First year Psychology student, Michelle Zhang, who was present in the building during the Duchess' visit, told The UCL Tab that she was "really happy" to see the Duchess.

"I interviewed Peter Fonagy (Head of the Psychology and Language Science divison at UCL) for my Psychology project, and he said he was working with the Royal Family to launch a project on a free texting service for support on mental health," she told The London Tab.

"It's nice to know that that's what is really happening. Seeing her here really shows how she cares about the field. As a psychologist, that makes me really happy!"

Image may contain: Accessories, Tie, Accessory, Indoors, Elevator, Overcoat, Coat, Suit, Apparel, Clothing, Person, Human

A huge crowd gathered at the exit of the building to take photos and the Duchess thanked all the students waiting as she left.