Liverpool bruised after being knocked out of University Challenge

Durham put us in our place

challenge durham gutted liverpool loss paxman students team television uni university victory win

Durham boffins put us to shame last night as Liverpool’s University Challenge reign finally came to an end.

The Northern nerds beat us by 75 points, crushing our chance of reaching the semi-final.

After managing to get to minus ten in the first 10 minutes, a question about lava lamps started the scoring for our team.

Bitch stole my look

Jeremy’s wit was biting as usual, extending his scorn to Maryland, a “ludicrous constituency”, and there were a few scoffs.

But he did seem genuinely elated, chuckling with glee, when Liverpool got the “Peter Pan out” question right.

Topics included notable cricketing performances and Chinese provinces, and one Durham student called Louis Armstrong “Lewis Armstrong”, which should really have resulted in immediate disqualification.

Something something Hiscock

A close second to Jack Sparrow in the Top 10 Captains of All Time

Despite catching up a bit, we lost 100 to Durham’s 175, and neither Jeremy nor the University Library were impressed.

Jeremy pondered: “You never really hit your stride did you Liverpool?” – mirroring his previous hostility to the university team.

However, he wasn’t particularly nice to Durham either, so that’s okay.

Disappointed Paxman

50 shades of blue shirt

The open collar blue shirts were out in force, and there will be more to follow on whether they decided to coordinate, or if outfit copying is an intimidation technique.