Vote for Lincoln’s BNOC 2020: Round Three
It’s getting serious now
We are slowly entering the last couple of rounds of voting for Lincoln’s BNOC 2020, so strap in. It’s time to vote in the third round for Lincoln’s biggest BNOC.
Harris Khawaja, Sport, Third Year
Harris was described as being the guy everyone knows on a night out, “Every time I go out people say there’s Harris”. He was nominated for always being seen at clubs working or promoting. Harris told The Lincoln Tab, “My honest thoughts about being nominated… I knew it was going to happen. I’ve been in Lincoln for nearly 5 years, probably follow half of Lincoln on Instagram and I’ve probably sold a ticket to 95% of students in Lincoln. I just want to say thanks to everyone who brought a ticket from me during Freshers 2017.”
Favourite night out memory:
Quack 2017 when Kerry Katona told me my d*** was so small it looks like my belly button.
Most likely to be seen at:
Union or Bull
Best night out in Lincoln:
Superbull and Union, I’ve worked in events for the last 4 years and I love it, I’ve met so many people on nights out just through work.
Leonard Chatonzwa, Business & Finance, Third Year
Leonard was described as being a ‘legend’ and was nominated for being “the driving force with organising the BLM protests. Not afraid to stand up and speak out for what he believes in.” He told The Lincoln Tab, “In regards to being nominated, it’s about time, my message to the people of Lincoln, Black Lives Matter, support the movement!”
Favourite night out memory:
4 way kiss with 3 Swedish girls
Most likely to be seen at:
Superbull or marching up to the cathedral
Best night out in Lincoln:
Jess Bobowicz, English & Creative Writing, First Year
Jess was described as being an ‘icon’ by her friends and was nominated for being ‘the messy one of her friendship group’. She told The Lincoln Tab, “Ladies and gentlemen of Lincoln, my message to you is to spread kindness. For every person you teach about the Black Lives Matter movement, I will personally make you a sandwich. Shoutout to my favourite swan, Roy.”
Favourite night out memory:
They all blur into one. It’s all before we even make it out the door, just close friends, laughter and mint dance moves.
Most likely to be seen at:
Necking mozzarella sticks at The Swan by day, and Superbull by night.
Best night out in Lincoln:
Superbull without question.
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• It’s that time of year, nominations are open for Lincoln’s BNOC 2020