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A club night playing only Taylor Swift music is coming to Leeds

Shake it off and ket, anyone?

Despite the shittiness of January, we're only halfway through the month and Leeds has already promised us an appearance from Phil Mitchell. To add to the excitement, get ready to shake it off, because a night dedicated to playing only Taylor Swift music is also coming to our beloved city.

"Swiftogeddon!" kicked off in London's Moth Club and Gorilla in Manchester, and since then has been to Edinburgh, Bristol, Nottingham and Glasgow.

It was founded by Taylor Swift super-fan Dave Fawbert, who says "It's total Taylor, all night long – I've even made some special extended mixes of my favourite tracks, and I play album songs, fan faves, deep cuts and of course all the hits."

The night has even been praised by Taylor herself, who gave it a shoutout on her social media, calling it "amazing." Fans are encouraged to dress up as Taylor too.

The nights have always previously sold out super quickly – tickets are £8 and you can get them here.

So, if you have a Blank Space in your diary for the 28th Feb, make sure to book your tickets and get on down to Belgrave!