Nominations are open for Glasgow’s BNOC of the year

Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough

It’s been a long old year here in Glasgow but there is finally a light at the end of the Clyde Tunnel. No, it’s not exams being over. No, wrong again, it’s not Summer being within grasp. It’s BNOC of the year of course. Duh.

The coveted prize has been won by many a Big Name on Campus over the years and quite honestly, it’s the only result you should really be caring about right now. We need you to nominate your sesh partners, your library lotharios and your Hive heroes to help in our quest to find our newest member of the BNOC alumni.

So, put down your highlighter, pick up your phone and get typing because we need to know who YOU want as Glasgow’s BNOC of the year 2017.

We’ll be waiting.