The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
People have been queuing for 3 hours
And he’s apologising to absolutely no one
As if going to Strathclyde wasn’t shite enough
The numbers don’t lie
Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough
Don’t say we’re not good to you
It was the most tense moment of 2017
He used to lecture economics at UoG
As a former Glasgow Uni student, he had ‘regular sessions at Subclub’
There are over 600 people ‘attending’
According to people who’ve already done it
You just need to RSVP for entry
It happened shortly after 11am
There are police all over the shop
Rachel is studying in the French capital on a year abroad
QMU smells like farts
‘You need to have drive’
‘It’s nice to know my probably drunken antics in Beer Bar and Viper haven’t gone unnoticed’
A calorie counter said so
Their license has been restricted to 12pm
These people are reasonably well-known
Your first batch of the biggest names in the West End
They look dead behind the eyes
It’s legit, we love ourselves
Who’d have thought it
‘Glasgow is sorry’
It’s okay, we beat Strathy
It’s about time they won something
He loves a good Eurovision pun
‘I’m sorry if I’ve caused any offence’
It was a bit underwhelming
‘Good golly Miss Holly’
Imagine meeting him in Garage
‘Besides being the worst film I have ever seen, three women got arrested’
They listed another flat on ‘Saucy-hall street’
‘Every day is a struggle’
First meningitis, now this
You didn’t think we’d go easy just because it’s christmas did you?
It’s like a cult, only better and not as scary
This actually happened
It’s unsure whether they were connected
And you thought getting into Viper for free was an achievement
Did you spot any of these guys?
He was given a doctorate only 12 months before shooting his girlfriend
Thieves made off with computers, the surveillance system and the safe
Campaigners convince the uni to go fossil fuel free
Looks like Basshunter was the supporting act on Saturday night…
The address turned out to be a sandwich shop
It doesn’t make you cool, it makes you an asshole