We asked you what you really thought about your course stereotypes

‘I’m honestly disappointed in the lack of colouring’


It’s news to no one that most subjects have a stereotype surrounding them, from Geographers colouring in, to Maths students with poor social skills, it’s hard to think of a subject in which the students aren’t completely pigeon-holed. In an attempt to try and free students from the harsh preconceptions we asked you what you thought of your own subject stereotype, and how true it was.

James Denvir – Biological Sciences

“Biology is nerdy, but not as nerdy as the other sciences, I’d say it’s probably the easiest proper science. It’s true there are more girls than guys so I suppose it is a little girly.”

Jess Beck and Jake Rogan – Medical Science

“People think that our subject is Medicine and that we’re really clever. It’s then always awkward when we have to explain that we’re actually not that clever and everyone on our course just failed to get into Medicine.”

Adelaide Hollows – Engineering

“Everyone thinks my subject is all nerdy boys with bad social skills or something, to be fair it’s really not as bad as people think.”

Tom Crawley – Geography

“Colouring in. That’s the joke I hear every time I say I do Geography. I’m honestly disappointed in the lack of colouring, I came prepared for it with colouring pencils, felt tips and fine liners. People also think I know all the capital cities but in reality I’m truly awful if they come up on a pub quiz.”

Abigail Cobby – Psychology

“Students don’t seem to respect Psychology as a good degree or think it’s not a proper science but I think it’s much more highly respected by people who are slightly older and it’s harder than people think.”