Empire Equation Tracks Warfare Trends

Researchers reveal that ancient empires bonded over blood-fests

Maths researchers at Exeter have created a formula to predict the rise and fall of ancient empires.

And their discoveries show that extreme warfare causes large societies to evolve.

The research has focused on empires in Europe, Africa and Asia 1500BC – 1500AD, when horses, chariots and cavalry were used in war.

By simulating warfare, the spreading of military technology and the evolution of society and culture, the model has predicted that large societies create stronger bonds through warfare, allowing them to expand their empires.

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Dr Tom Currie from Biosciences at University of Exeter, said: “The model supports the idea that there are general processes shaping the broad patterns of history.

“It helps us understand what keeps large societies bonded together, and may help explain some of the inequalities we see in the world today.”