Could you be the Next Lady Sugar?

Us ladies are still having to fight for our place in the financial service sector

Girls, the simple answer is maybe not.

A recent news report suggests that gender equality is still lacking in the work place, particularly in the financial services sector, with many senior management roles being excluded, in preference for men.

In response to this disappointing news, the University of Exeter and the Financial Service Knowledge Transfer Network have published a new report to challenge the big dogs and break through the financial sector’s apparent glass ceiling.

In the report, experts recommend a number of interventions to improve women’s positions within the workplace including positive gender quotas, flexible working and improved networking.

There are some advantages to hiring us girls too – females in the workforce add diversity to the talent pool, reduced costs of recruitment turnover and diversity in conquering various demographic markets.

But ladies, don’t be disheartened. The report stresses that changing business culture requires action, not just words or good intentions. So get out there and show ‘em what you’ve got!