The hidden gems of our gym

Even Pan couldn’t navigate this Labyrinth

We’ve all been to the uni gym at some point, whether you’re an active gym goer or that person who spent £100 on a yearlong membership, yet haven’t been back since freshers.

Either way, you will be surprised by the things found in our local fitness centre.

The Combat Zone

It Kinda Smells

That’s right, a place for all virgins/wrestling fans, to go and play together.

A huge abandoned hall, lined with mirrors, ideal for taking selflies.


The Salle

What is it

Located on the 3rd floor, we don’t know what it is either, only that it must be hard work.

Casual gym nap


Dwayne Johnson

Seriously, just what the fuck is The Rock?

The ‘Secret’ Cardio Gym

Secret Cardio Gym

Perfect for those of you too self-conscious to stare into the sweaty face of the person directly opposite you on the bike in the cardio gym, there’s a place for you.

 The Climbing Wall

Turns Out This is ‘The Rock’

Looking for a place to take your other half this Valentines Day?

Look no further than the Gym’s climbing wall, if watching you expertly climb that wall doesn’t get you laid, then you had no chance anyway.

The Performance Gym

You Can Smell The Testosterone

A place more exclusive place than Opal’s VIP lounge that only a top notch Ping Pong player, or an All Black will ever get to experience.

The Archery Range

Okay seriously though, this is quite impressive.