We asked you which Oxbridge college rejected you and why

You wanted to come to Durham anyway

Ilona Phillips, First Year, St. Aidans, Arabic and French12833276_10208797902286373_312170449_n

Brasenose College, Oxford: “The fact I was accused of cheating wasn’t a good start, but then neither was my ‘I love Marxism’ t-shirt”.

Jack Hillan, First Year, Van Mildert, Classics

University College, Oxford: “I think they said my test score was average so they gave me a chance in the interview but I didn’t really prove to them that I had what it took. Lack of preparation I guess.”

Lottie Cherryman, First Year, Collingwood, Theology

Keble College, Oxford: “Because I know nothing about the Bible”

Will McGowan, First Year, Mary’s, Geography

St Edmund Hall, Oxford: “I applied for Geography but got interviewed by a botanist”

Joanna Little, First Year, JoBo, Ancient, Medieval and Modern History

Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge: “I had no idea what I was doing and tried to be the student they wanted me to be, rather than who I actually am.”

Max Worthington, First Year, Collingwood, Classics

King’s College, Cambridge: “I was ‘too stubborn and rather inflexible’, and didn’t know any Greek.”

Ollie Potts, First Year, Hatfield, PPE

University College, Oxford: “Because I’m too real.”

Amelia Hart, Second Year,  St. Aidans, Theology

Didn’t apply: “Fuck them, the Theology department in Durham is better and they’re no fun at all.”

Harry Cross, Third Year, Collingwood, Law

Christ and Fitzwilliam colleges, Cambridge: “Well at Christ it was too competitive and at Fitzwilliam it was between me and three others and there just weren’t enough places.”

Flora Mitchell, First Year, Grey, Physics

Sommerville College, Oxford: “My interview wasn’t good and my PAT score wasn’t good enough to save it.”