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It’s time: You can now send in your nominations for Cardiff’s Maddest Fresher 2017

Have you met any Taly terrors?

Freshers' week may seem like a life time ago, but the semester has just begun. Cast your mind back to a few weeks ago and you were probably staggering down Greyfriars Road, wearing a Hawaiian garland, whilst clutching your plastic bottle of pre-mixed Tesco vodka and lemonade – carefree and getting your last bevvy in before entering Pryzm. Classic.

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You felt like a wild Fresher, unleashed onto the streets of the Capital, however, you definitely know there were freshers madder than you out there. Remember that guy who made it to A and E on the second night? Or that fresher who ran through a bus stop outside Aberconway? They were mad freshers, and you can now nominate them for Cardiff's maddest fresher of 2017.

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The criteria to win this prestigious title?

Anyone who took Freshers' week to the extreme and particularly stood out during the sesh is eligible for this title. A mad fresher hasn't missed one Lash since September, and is always getting into antics they'll reminisce about in years to come. In third year, they'll definitely be reminding you of that time they ate a whole onion at their hockey initiation, or the time they stripped to their boxers at the Taf for a dare.

If you think you know a mad fresher who has what it takes to win the title of Cardiff's Maddest Fresher, then nominate them by filling out the form below.