Fellow walked NAKED into Faculty meeting in Brexit protest

Dr Victoria Bateman took time out of drawing graphs to put on a graphic display for her fellow economics faculty members.

Brexit Britain caius Cambridge Cambridge University Economics european union faculty member faculty of economics fellow Gonville and Caius naked

Bateman’s attire that day was understood to be thoroughly non-Victorian. 

She arrived without clothes to a Faculty of Economics meeting where about 30 other Fellows were waiting to discuss tripos and marking, with “Brexit means economic disaster” written across her body. The academic then sat through the two-hour meeting without anyone commenting on her economical outfit choice.

Brexit or Breast-exit?

The meeting was characterised by a marked excess of supply in skin. Demand, however, was limited to extra coffee. The chair of the meeting, Churchill DoS Nigel Knight, apparently merely glanced at her and then said to his secretary: “I think we need some cups for the coffee”.

According to The Telegraph, a source who was at the meeting said “It is well known to the faculty that she has posed naked but obviously the behaviour here was different. One thing is to pose naked and another to show up naked.”

Stephen Hawking is no longer the most interesting thing about Caius

“This was a standard meeting about the teaching of economics and we moved away from her state of dress. We remained silent on that issues and managed to get through the agenda in the meeting.”

The Caius Fellow was previously known for commissioning a naked portrait of herself last year, which was displayed at a gallery in London.

There were more than just demand and supply curves on display at this meeting.