Website Of The Week: Two YouTube Videos And A Motherfucking Crossfader

Become a DJ. Not a very good DJ, but a DJ.


Too nerdy to be a real DJ? Don’t really get the whole decks and vinyl thing? We’ve found the answer.

The premise is simple enough. Two YouTube Videos And A Motherfucking Crossfader features two Youtube videos and a motherfucking crossfader.

Still don’t geddit?

It turns your web browser into a rudimentary DJ setup.

Figure 1: A terrible idea

Literally, you search for two songs, press play and cross fade between them. It even lets you save your tunes, so you can bring them out on special occasions (like Christmas). If you’re going for a yuletide performance, click the party button in the bottom right hand corner, and everything (that’s right, everything) will get a whole lot jazzier.

Figure 2: Party mode

Clear your schedules, chaps. You’ve got some DJing to do.

Click here to visit Two YouTube Videos And A Motherfucking Crossfader.