What your choice of library snack says about you

I see you Instagraming those raspberries

Now the deadlines are piling up the various libraries and study rooms are packed with students and their study nests.

Of course, you’re going to need some sustenance on your journey to a decent grade, but with so much on offer what do you eat? Just like your choice of clothing or Facebook profile picture your library snack offers a unique insight into your character.

Here’s what your preference says about you.

Sandwich meal deal

All you need to get studying

You’re pretty chilled. This isn’t going to be an all-nighter type deal – you’re probably just putting in a couple of hours in the library after your lecture with a hoisin duck wrap and a packet of crisps.  You’ve probably pencilled in this study session into your diary a couple of weeks ago, you go getter you.

Closer to the deadline, your less prepared coursemates will come out of the woodwork and ask for help. You’ll oblige, but not without a fair amount of gloating about how “it’s really quite simple once you get your head round it”.

The trusty Biscuit

All you need now is some tea

Unlike the meal deal you weren’t overly prepared for this. Your assignment is due in maybe a day or so and you just about know what your doing – the only problem is you haven’t written it yet. You’re ready for frequent visits to the coffee machine as you accidentally lapse into an all nighter due to sheer panic as the clock counts down.

Neither a first class student, nor scraping the bottom end of a third, you are decidedly average. The man with the malted milks is a friend indeed.

Takeaway pizza and Coke

Why bother cooking?

Going to the shops to pick up some snacks? Actually preparing a wholesome meal? Who has time for that when you’re four hours into a Rosser Lounge session, desperately trying to finish an essay in a single night. All the best local takeaways will deliver to Rosser or PJM lounge so you don’t need to bother with cooking for yourself.

You rationalise this by saying you just don’t have the time to set 20 minutes aside to rustle up some spagbol, but you then spend an hour aimlessly browsing the internet while occasionally feeding yourself a slice of pizza.

Beers and crisps

For when you’re truly fucked

Anybody studying with a can of Carling either has a deadline in three weeks, or three hours. Either you’re so confident you’ve got enough time that you can kick back and relax whilst doing some research, or you’re so utterly screwed that the only way you can bare to spend another moment on your assignment is Dutch Courage.

In either case, you opt out of studying up at one of the university’s computer lounges (after all, why would you traverse that hill when you can sit in your living room?), and after your fourth or fifth can, your housemates tempt you with a cheeky night on the town. Of course you join them.


This is your study routine: First you put a status saying how much work you have to do and how overwhelmed you feel. You open your book, and your first bar of chocolate. After a couple sentences of notes, you make another status about finally being “in the zone”, and reward yourself with an hour on Netflix, continuing to eat chocolate.

After you manage to pull yourself away from procrastination, you make another status saying that you “just can’t do this anymore” and how you just “need to get away”. You now actually settle into working, occasionally checking Facebook to see who’s liked your statuses. Despite all your whining and panicking, you probably get at least a 2:1.

Smoothies and salads

In a similar way to the students who study with chocolate, you also start your study session with a Facebook status, although you probably take a selfie with your healthy snacks for Instagram. Unlike the cocoa fiends, you actually do the work instead of procrastinating, and soon upload a second status about how much you love your degree and that you’ve already finished.

Both statuses get dozens of likes. #FeelingMotivated.