Pair of Rugby League twins could be hotter than the last

They’ve even been on a double date with another pair of twins

Meet Moo and Fais. Moo studies Exercise, Nutrition and Health and Fais is studying Forensics. They’re both 24-years-old, both are part of rugby league and they even live together at uni. You’ll probably recognise these rugby lads from Ocean on a Wednesday, but did you notice that there are actually two of them?

These guys look so identical that their own mother has even been known to muddle them up. We ask the questions everyone wonders about twins.

Moo’s on the right, Fais is on the left

How can people tell you apart?

Fais: I have a more manly jaw line, and more tattoos. Moo has a scar under his eye. People say I have a cheeky smile and he has an innocent smile, apparently I’m the evil twin – but evil twins have way more fun.

Would you ever have a threesome?

Moo: Been offered a few times but never go through with it. Never say never I suppose.

Fais: Isn’t it all girls’ fantasy?

All girls’ fantasy..?

Would you ever go on a date with another pair of twins?

Moo: We have before in Thailand. We were only on the island with them for a week though so nothing progressed.

Fais: Yeah, I’d do it again.

Have you ever had any awkward mix ups?

Moo: Yeah funniest was a couple of years ago we had the same sort of hair cut so from behind we looked so identical even our mum got us mixed up a few times.

Fais: We used to switch classes a lot in school. It’s always pretty funny, we’re so used to it that we just go along with it.

Who’s the better looking twin?

Moo: Obviously me.

Fais: But I’m younger, everyone knows the younger twin was held back for improvements.

What’s your favourite Notts night out?

Moo: Got to be Ocean Wednesday’s but I like a bit of Bowery, Ink and Coco Tang as well.

Fais: Has to be Ocean Wednesday.

Who pulls the most?

Fais: Me.

Moo: Me.

Who gets mistaken for the other the most? (Who’s the biggest BNOC?)

Moo: Me 100 per cent, he’s my stunt double.

Fais: Moo’s been here a year longer then me so I generally get mistaken for him.

Who’s going to be more successful in ten years?

Moo: Me. Mum actually told me I was the cleverer twin once so I trust her opinion. Sorry Fais.

Fais: Moo is going to be banged up abroad in 10 years so definitely me.

Who’s the bossiest?

Fais: Moo’s bossiest probably because he is the older twin. He’s the sensible one, I’m the trouble maker.

Moo: I’m the boss.

Are Moo and Fais fitter than Kenny and Danny?