SU-turn: Piglet room for your stress – even though you didn’t vote

They had probably already paid the deposit

Despite being nearly 500 votes short, the SU are still giving us a piglet room for when revision gets tough.

Just two months ago NTSU tried to emotionally blackmail us into voting for the second year in a row.

Last year we were rewarded with a puppy room, but the vote hungry union claimed this year they were “raising the stakes” by offering a room full of piglets if 7,500 people voted.

However election turn out fell short, with only 7,015 voting, meaning dreams of a piglet room were shattered.

But in a turn of events the ever so generous big dogs at the Students Union have decided to give it to us anyway.

Oh and they are also chucking in an Animal Roadshow at Brackenhurst too.

A poorly spelt post by the SU said: “Stressed out with by your exams? Take some time to chill out and visit the piglet room with adorable micro pigs! You can book a fifteen-minute slot to spend in the room.

“If pigs are not your thing then not to worry we also have a animal roadshow featuring a wide variety of cute farm animals.”

Politics finalist and MP wannabe, Graham Cox, believes the change of heart suggests President Patches and his crew may be slightly out of touch.

He said: “The SU should engage seriously with us rather than throw us gimmicks to boost turnout, only then can they celebrate and take home the bacon.

He added: “One has to wonder whether the out of touch NUS representatives wanted this for themselves rather than for the students.”

The revision pig me up is being held across all three campus’ on May 27th and 28th with 15 minute slots available to cuddle the future sausages.