To be Single Pringle or Double Trouble? What’s the best way to be at Uni?

To partner or not to partner. We look into whether being in a relationship at Uni is worth it

So you’re packing your bags, trying to earn as much money as you can and convince your parents you’ll be able to cope. University is such a huge change to any kid’s, sorry I mean young adult’s life!

But besides meeting all your lovely flatmates and the loud and crazy course mates, there is going to be the opportunity of meeting the opposite sex. And maybe before university, you’ve already met your significant other, and are coming to uni promising to stay together forever.

So what is the best way to be at uni? What way works for you?
Being single is so much fun when you’re at university. It’s a great opportunity to discover yourself and realise who you are and who you want to be.

Without others tying you down, it gives you a chance to try new things without worrying what everyone else is doing. And let’s face it, if you see a fit guy or girl in the club, there’s nothing stopping you from having a quick snog!
So there are benefits to being single. However there are the lucky few who have met someone before uni, and are determined to carry on throughout, insisting the distance won’t make a difference. However, a word of advice. If before uni you’re already questioning if the both of you will be able to battle it out together, you’ve pretty much already made your mind up.

I’ve seen relationships last through uni, and they are wonderful relationships. What you need to know though is it requires a lot of time, patience, love, loyalty and trust to keep it strong. By no means is it going to be easy, but with the right effort it will all be worth it.

That leaves one final option, meeting somebody at uni. There are so many benefits to this. You get the option of seeing each other whenever you want, if you both study similar fields it gives you both something to bond over, and they will understand what you’re going through at uni, all the stress, all the fun, all the drama, they’ll get it.

However I wouldn’t advise this with a flatmate as this can make things really awkward. Stay away from flatmates.
Whatever you choose to do, just have fun with it. We’re all young, take things as they come, don’t take yourself too seriously and just enjoy it! Here’s a few ways to keep a relationship at uni:
Make an effort – whether they’re there all the time or it’s long distance, you still need to show you appreciate them. Just because you have them doesn’t mean you automatically get to keep them!

Invite them to meet your friends – We all want our friends approval, and how better to start that off than by introducing your significant other to your housemates! Invite them to the odd flat night out, although make sure you keep some time for just your flat too!
Meet their friends- Find out that funny story about what they did in freshers. Although meeting the friends can be daunting, it extends your friendship circle too, and if their friends like you, it’ll show you’re definitely a good egg!
When you’re doing essays and revising, make sure you take some time apart – When you’re stressed, you tend to take your anger and stress out on the people closest to you. Avoid this by spending time alone getting ready for the hard work at university.