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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visited Brighton yesterday

Did you see them?

Yesterday, the newly titled Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Brighton on their first official visit with their new royal titles.

They arrived at the Royal Pavilion gardens to chants of "Harry, Harry, Harry", before shaking hands with, and in some cases high-fiving, members of adoring public who had gathered to greet the couple.

The royal couple are currently on a tour of the UK, yesterday visiting Brighton, Chichester, Bognor Regis and Peacehaven.

Whilst in Brighton, the couple were given a tour of the Royal Pavilion, spoke to schoolchildren about video games and even got to see a couple of Brighton's new snails.

Whilst meeting schoolchildren, Harry was asked if he played Fortnite, to which he replied that the kids should find something better to do with their spare time.
Image may contain: Crowd, Audience, Person, People, Human

Harry's number one fan