Sharmin Jahan launches vicious online attack at her non-voters

Great start


The new Women’s Officer today labelled the people who voted against her as “sexist and racist” in a bitter Facebook rant.

Hundreds voted to re-open nominations, compared to the 3325 who voted for her to win.

Despite still being elected, her Facebook status said: “To those 808 people who RON’d me- fuck YOU! You are either sexist or racist or maybe both or for whatever reason, either way I will prove you guys wrong”

PEACE and fuck YOU

The post has since been deleted.

Sharmin, who’ll be taking over from Miriam Miller, told Forge Today: “My post was not a personal attack on anyone, I was just very upset in regards to the abuse I received during campaigning, I received both sexist and racist comments. I just responded to those comments.

“Also a lot of people were being very unfair about me being the only candidate standing that was not fair at all as I worked just as hard as others.

I removed the comment later on as I didn’t want my bad experiences to effect me or my role.”

Sam Koster, a Journalism first year, said: “Just because someone didn’t vote for you doesn’t make them sexist or racist. Her comments seem pretty childish.

“If I’d have seen that rant before, I definitely wouldn’t have voted for her.”

Matt Brown, a Law student said: “Being a Students Union Officer carries great responsibility, representing not just students but also the name of our University.

“If our SU Officers fail to appreciate this, then students should be encouraged to hold them to account. We should not have to accept out elected and paid representatives having free reign to insults students and not learn from or acknowledge their serious misjudgment.”