UEA Promises Just One Exam Per Day and Earlier Timetables

UEA makes major changes to the way exams are organised following a student campaign.

Exam timetables will now be released before Easter, and most students will only have to sit one exam per day, UEA has announced.

Following student feedback which asked for less clustered exam scheduling, the majority of candidates will only have to sit one per day during the main exam period.

Exam timetables will also be released two weeks earlier this year on March 7, 2014. The reason given for previous delays in publishing them was to allow students to switch modules for up to a fortnight into Semester 2. But don’t worry, you’ll still have this handy escape window next term.

Photo: ueastudentblog.com

The decision to give students their timetables early comes after a victory for the ‘Better Exam Timetables’ campaign in the Union Priority Campaigns Poll (those yellow tokens you stuffed into boxes in various Union buildings, pictured above).

Union Academic Officer Louise Withers Green is thrilled that the campaign has been successful. She said: “This is the sort of thing that is possible when the Union and the University work in partnership to make students’ lives better”.

Pro Vice Chancellor Academic, Neil Ward, believes the changes will make the exam period “more manageable” for students. He said: “The poll of students and representations from Louise in relation to exam feedback were clear signals to us of ways that we could improve the student experience”.

Will these changes make a difference to you? Comment below.