Slippery Slopes: Top Ten Val D’Isere Moments

What happens in Val D’Isere, stays in Val D’Isere. Until it goes on The Tab.

What happens when a group of sexually charged, beer-chugging UCL students descend on the Rhone-Alps? Well, if you missed out, The Tab is here to show you the best bits (pun not intended) of UCLU Snow Sports’ recent Ski Trip, so it’s like you were there but minus the post-one-night-stand-awkwardness.

And if you were one of the lucky trip-goers, then get ready to relive your best/worsts moments from the nights you don’t even remember. Looks like they all had a little bit too much fun for their own good. Turns out the colder it gets, the less clothes you need, it’s possible to stick a sparkler in your boxers whilst smiling, and strip poker can definitely get out of hand. Oh, and I think they did some skiing.

It all begins with spooning…

‘Take off your shirt!’

The moustaches come out to play and a nose gets a little too curious.

Yeah, rock on man. We can see where this is going..

Casual people-trampling.

Put it away mate.

Heeeere’s Johnny!

Don’t tell mum!

‘Psssht Santa, I ain’t cold’

^ This guy.