6 Signs You Don’t Get Out Enough

We all have have our excuses. No money. Feeling ill. Loads of work on. Blah Blah Blah.

Yes, it might be getting to that end of term where the deadlines are looming, the bank balance isn’t looking too fresh, and in all honesty you’re just feeling a bit worn out.

While you might think these reasons more than justify your decision to stick your feet up with a cup of tea and catch up with Come Dine With Me on Friday night, sometimes it just doesn’t cut the mustard.

No one expects you to be hitting it hard like the good old days in first year, but when your mates can’t even remember the last time you went out and in all honesty neither can you, it might be high time you took a long hard look at yourself.

Here are five signs to help you confirm the inevitable.

1. Coach Potato.

The face of a broken man

You haven’t left the house for days and your biggest dilemma has been reduced to making the rather depressing decision between Brit Cops and You’ve been Framed.

Gaming has also become a problem. If you think reaching level 256 on Candy Crush or creating a really pretty house on Sims is impressive, it’s not. No one’s going to pat you on the back when you tell them about your great record on QuizUp or how you got through three seasons of Gossip Girl in two days. It’s just a bit sad.

2. You’re doing really well at Uni.

If you’re fully up to date with your notes, getting outstanding feedback on you essays and can’t even remember the last time you missed a lecture, there is probably something seriously wrong with your social life. There’s nothing worse than seeing someone bouncing around campus like bunny rabbit on coke while you’re trying to battle a Raz hangover. Don’t be that guy.

3. When you get drunk, you get really drunk.

On the rare occasion you did muscle up the courage to make it into town, you wake up the next morning struggling even to remember a thing. You haven’t had a proper boozing session for so long that even a couple of Faculty double vodka cokes have reduced you to an incomprehensible mess clinging to the toilet for dear life.

Not an ideal look.

But at least you don’t look like this.

4. Your friend base has dwindled.

All those buddies you made in the Heebie Jeebies smoking area are now nothing but an awkward wave. Yeah you can give them excuses about how you’ve got loads of work on and you’re more into “events” than nights outs, but in all reality they know you’ve just got a bit boring.

5. It’s been a while…

Without a Quad Vod in your hand and your inhibitions restored, you’re finding the track record you once held with such pride has somewhat diminished. Gone are the days in first year where you’d bring back a shag just to keep the bed warm. Now you resign to sleeping cold and alone every night.

6. You can actually afford Christmas presents.

Last Christmas your bank balance was so low all you could buy for your parents was a Primark pair of socks and a card you made yourself. This year you’ve got so much cash, you can spend at least £20 on Mum and Dad and still have money for an advent calendar that’s not from Poundland. On the downside, your severe reclusiveness means you probably won’t be expecting as many presents as last year…

Your social life may be almost non-existent but at least you can numb the pain with a chocolate advent calendar.

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