Image may contain: Plant, Grass, Flora, Picnic, Meal, Leisure Activities, Food, Person, People, Human

It’s official, Rhun Gwilym is Leeds’ most eligible bachelor

He came, he saw, he conquered

After four rounds and over 12,000 votes, the results are finally in: Rhun Gwilym is your most eligible bachelor.

Over 11,000 of you voted in the final alone, and Rhun gained a staggering 91% of the vote. Wow.

Image may contain: Bowl, Person, People, Human

I'm not really surprised though. He's a "sexy" Welsh bachelor, so obvs he's stolen the hearts of the ladies in Leeds. What more can you ask for?

When he heard about his victory, Rhun said: "At uni, I'm known as the welsh wizard because of my technically gifted hand skills – if you know what I mean. This is especially evident when in goal for @boroladsinleeds as I'm sure they would corroborate. I also want to say that there was no Russian involvement in this whatsoever.

Image may contain: Sunglasses, Person, People, Human

"I would like to share this prestigious award with @boroladsinleeds as I wouldn't have won it without them and with the my friends and family from back home in north Wales and here in Leeds". What a babe.