People who love books are better in bed than anyone else, according to research

But only if you read the right type of books

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According to a recent survey by eHarmony, the books scattered around your house could seriously affect your love life. The dating site found that listing reading as a hobby on your dating profile is a winning move when attempting to attract a partner.

It may not look like it but these books will get you laid

The data revealed that the men who do list reading as a hobby receive 19 per cent more messages, and women three per cent more. Bookworms have also been noted to be ‘more intellectually curious than most and find it easier to form open and trusting relationships with others.’

However, there is still a certain hierarchy when it comes to the books you list – Fifty Shades of Grey will not get you anywhere so don’t even think about it.

Men who mentioned Richard Branson’s “Screw It, Let’s Do It” and “Like a Virgin,” received 74 per cent more attention than those who didn’t. This is followed by The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (36 per cent), 1984 (21 per cent) and The Da Vinci Code (five per cent).

For women, the biggest increase in messages came from listing The Hunger Games (44 per cent), The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (31 per cent) and A Game of Thrones (30 per cent).

This is where the hierarchy comes in because not all books reap good results. The data found that listing The Bible proved to be detrimental for both sexes, while listing Fifty Shades of Grey results in women getting 16 per cent fewer messages, Twilight six per cent fewer and Harry Potter lost men up to 55 per cent.